Browsing through Facebook recently, I happened upon a post from a friend with a title that intrigued me, "It's a Love/Hate Thing" and preview text that started with the words, "So many emotions get wrapped into leaving on a business trip. . ." My first thought was, "Girl...Same!"
Working on its own is a challenge, working while parenting is a bigger challenge, and being a working parent that travels is incredibly fun, but also brings a whole new set of obstacles. Is it worth it? Absolutely! But, is it always easy? Nope.

When I clicked into the post, I was incredibly pleased to see that this wasn't a blog written by some random working mom, but instead, the article was penned by a woman that I have come to know, is one of the hardest working people there is, and is someone who I both adore and admire. Some of you may know this person, and some of you may not have crossed paths with her yet, but you can be sure of one thing - When you meet Kelli, you'll know without a doubt that you have just met someone incredibly special. You'll talk to her, and hear her story, and you'll be left wondering how on Earth she does everything she manages to do. Then, you'll read this blog and be thankful for the tips she shares on keeping things together, and for the comfort she gives by reassuring us that we are not alone. Being a working mom, working parent for that matter, is not easy. It takes a village to raise our children. It takes support and friends on the road to make it through each day. And it also takes coffee. Lots, and lots of coffee.
Not all superheroes wear capes. One of my heroes wears orange, and looks a whole lot like this girl right here:

Get to know Kelli, and read her latest blog post, here.
Do you have tips that make traveling, or parenting, or life in general easier? Calendars, apps, quotes anything! Comment below to share your wisdom with us!